+33 7 67 66 74 90

Are the sessions conducted in person or online?
They are conducted online. Online therapy sessions can be effective. They provide convenient access to professional support, improve mental health, and help with stress, anxiety, and depression.
How do I know if the treatment will be beneficial?
Online therapy can be beneficial if you’re comfortable communicating virtually, have clear goals, and engage consistently. Choosing a therapist with experience in your concerns and using a format that suits you, increases effectiveness.
How long will my treatment go on for?
With therapy, there usually is no set length of treatment. Therapy can last anywhere from one session to several months or even years. It all depends on what you want and need. Some people come to therapy with a very specific problem they need to solve and might find that one or two sessions is sufficient. Other people come to therapy with more complicated issues they are grappling with and may feel they need a few months or more to understand and resolve their issues. Other people come with long-standing problems or difficult feelings and may benefit from longer-term therapy.
Can I cancel the therapy program if it's not working for me?
Yes, my program allows you to cancel if it’s not working for you.